In this publication and podcast series, we explore some of the core focus areas for UK-regulated financial services firms in the year ahead.

In 2024, we saw disruption to the regulatory reform agenda as the unexpected timing of the general election impacted work and publication schedules. Now that the reform agenda is back on track and aligned to the new government’s plans for growth, we are likely to see improved progress on existing reforms as well as fresh initiatives in the pursuit of growth during 2025.

There is doubtless a strong focus on retail markets under the new government, but the UK’s competitiveness as a place to do business remains vital as improvements to the UK’s wholesale markets continue. ESG and AI continue to dominate across the sector as rapidly evolving areas that profoundly impact the regulatory landscape.

The latest guidance from the FCA focuses on Consumer Duty board reports and how firms handle complaints and root cause analysis.

By Becky Critchley and Charlotte Collins

On 11 December 2024, the FCA published two pieces of feedback on the Consumer Duty, setting out good practices and areas for improvement in relation to Consumer Duty board reports and complaints and root cause analysis. These publications have been compiled to share the FCA’s insights on how different firms have started to embed the Consumer Duty across the financial services industry. The FCA aims to assist firms in meeting their Consumer Duty obligations by conducting a range of post-implementation work, as outlined in its Consumer Duty workplan.

Firms will find it particularly helpful to receive guidance on the FCA’s expectations regarding board reports. Previously, firms did not receive a prescribed template and found compiling their first reports challenging, both in terms of form and content. Firms will be keen to understand how they can improve their next board reports and meet FCA expectations.

The regulator has provided an update on the actions taken since its cash savings market review.

By Nicola Higgs, Becky Critchley, and Charlotte Collins

On 18 September 2024, the FCA provided an update on its work in the cash savings market. Following the FCA’s 2023 cash savings market review in light of concerns that higher interest rates were not being passed on effectively to savers, the regulator has conducted further work, including an in-depth analysis of the profits made on savings accounts and their contribution to overall firm profitability. The FCA has also worked with the largest firms regarding how they are providing fair value to easy access savings customers.

The latest guidance from the regulator focuses on the price and value outcome.

By Nicola Higgs, Becky Critchley, and Charlotte Collins

On 18 September 2024, the FCA published further feedback on the Consumer Duty, setting out good and poor practices in relation to the price and value outcome. For many firms, this is the most challenging of the four outcomes, and so it is helpful that the FCA is sharing insights which firms can use to improve their implementation of the Duty. Analysing the value different customers are deriving from a particular product, and ensuring that certain groups of customers are not receiving poor value, is a tricky exercise for firms, particularly those with fewer resources. Helpfully, the FCA acknowledges in its feedback that it does not expect smaller firms to apply the same resources to assessing fair value as larger firms, providing clarifications as to what might be a proportionate approach for a smaller firm to take.

Regulator finds that firms could improve how they conduct anti-money laundering checks when dealing with UK PEPs.

By Rob Moulton, Nicola Higgs, Jonathan Ritson-Candler, and Charlotte Collins

On 18 July 2024, the FCA published feedback from its multi-firm review on the treatment of politically exposed persons (PEPs), along with a Guidance Consultation (GC24/4) proposing targeted amendments to its guidance on the treatment of PEPs.

Following concerns from UK PEPs in recent years that financial services

The deadline for implementing the Duty for closed products and services is fast approaching, however firms’ work on the Duty is far from over as they must successfully pivot to addressing the Duty as part of their day-to-day operations.

By Nicola Higgs, Becky Critchley, and Charlotte Collins

31 July 2024 will mark one year since the Consumer Duty came into force for new and open products and services, and the deadline for implementing the Duty for closed products

Fighting financial crime, protecting consumers’ needs, and bolstering wholesale markets are the regulator’s key priorities for the year ahead.

By Rob Moulton, Nicola Higgs, Becky Critchley, and Charlotte Collins

On 19 March 2024, the FCA published its Business Plan for 2024/25, setting out its priorities for the year ahead. While the Business Plan now takes on less significance than it did historically given other publications in circulation such as the FCA’s 3-year Strategy and the Regulatory

FCA finds firms have been working hard to embed the Duty, but there remains room for improvement.

By Becky Critchley and Charlotte Collins

On 20 February 2024, the FCA published more information on the Consumer Duty, including a publication highlighting good practices and areas for improvement. The FCA also used a related speech to remind firms of the 31 July 2024 deadline for applying the Duty to closed products and services, and for producing the first annual board report assessing

This annual publication explores some of the core focus areas for UK-regulated financial services firms in the year ahead. 2023 saw significant progress on the regulatory reform agenda, and many measures consulted on or reviewed as part of the Edinburgh Reforms will be finalised and/or implemented in the course of 2024.

We also saw the passing of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2023, many provisions of which have already come into effect and have made important changes to the

The Discussion Paper on the Advice Guidance Boundary Review examines how authorised firms can provide more support to customers.

By Rob Moulton, Nicola Higgs, Becky Critchley, and Charlotte Collins

The FCA has published a Discussion Paper (DP23/5) with the government on the Advice Guidance Boundary Review, which seeks views on the following three proposals:  

  • Further clarifying when firms can provide support to consumers without giving regulated financial advice
  • A new approach that would allow firms to provide support tailored to groups of people in similar circumstances
  • A new form of simplified advice that would make it easier for firms to provide affordable advice to clients with more straightforward needs and smaller sums to invest