Understanding NFTs as commodities calls for a more nuanced analysis than what their “non-fungible” label might suggest at first glance.

By Yvette D. Valdez

The appropriate regulatory characterization of cryptocurrencies and digital assets for US legal purposes has spawned many pages of analysis and occupied many hours of industry, law firm, and regulatory consideration. Significant amounts of commentary, and later government and judicial attention, have been devoted to determining whether fungible cryptocurrencies and digital assets constitute securities for purposes of

The CFTC and the DOJ both now pursue enforcement actions against trading in commodities based on misappropriation of confidential information.

By Douglas K. Yatter, Sohom Datta, and Cameron J. Sinsheimer

Among the many changes resulting from the Dodd-Frank Act, one that has been slow to develop, but broad in its significance, is the assertion of authority by the CFTC to police insider trading in commodities markets. Starting in 2015, the agency began bringing enforcement actions against individuals and